
Well that explains why the main wheels stick out of the undercarriage like they do... I always wondered why.

Of course it was designed for a wheels up landing!! What an amazing aircraft. This here is exactly what designing a purpose built aircraft gets you.

This isn’t overly surprising to be honest. Every jet I’ve flown has breakaway pins or bolts in the fairing which will quite happily detach the engine and dump it on the unsuspecting public 35,000 feet below if vibration exceeds a design stress.


“I’ll turn your question around on you,” but not answer it.

LoL! I have seen that at at least 50 trade shows. It happens when the vendor’s booth shipment gets lost... I feel really bad for him.

In my experience, NEVER hit the velociraptor. Unless it’s eating you.

60 Minutes also did a hatchet job on Audi for this, even rigging a car to make it lower the accelerator on camera. Audi almost had to pull out of the US market .

Because there is a redundancy as well as plausibility verification built into both throttle pedal sensors and throttle body valves on ICE vehicles. The pedal on a Tesla is from Ford I think. Basically there are two position sensors in a pedal. One has an increasing value and the other decreasing. The value of both

As a software developer - “user error” is common and rarely reported as such.

Refresh your browser. I swear there’s an article written, and words surrounding the one you don’t like, in case you get tired of seeing it.

Disdain for road worker knows no cultural or geographical bounds.

Regarding driving over signs, you may find this amusing, or not.

That’s still 5mph more than any GT’s being sold at auctions are going to go.

Nope, we have our eyes wide open, we don’t follow anyone blindly. Unlike the Obama worshippers who followed him right-off-the-cliff.

Because he seems to be in a hurry to get these “good things” done at the last possible second when he had 8 years to actually do these things in the first fucking place.

You can stop kissing his feet now, he’s about to be removed from the office. But feel free to keep that “Hope” image on the wall, in your bedroom... 

You do realize how subjective “Underage sex” is right?

Oh I agree that it’s fucked up, but are we saying that 18 years old is totally cool and 17 years and 364 days is fucked up?

THIS OUR FINAL ATTEMPT CAROL! For real...we are really going to stop sending these requests for your money in exchange for shoddy coverage.