
Did I miss the poorly marked part?

You know global warming is real when a person thinks that road is covered in snow.

Ah, yes, poorly marked roads covered in 6” of clear see-through snow.

Covered in snow? I don’t see any snow on the road.

Like Clintons care about security clearance protocols! LOL!

Roughly half of America ARE freeloaders. The truth hurts, and people in this country are more interested in hearing platitudes from a black guy who is utterly incompetent but soothes white guilt than dealing with reality.

You had me up until pyramids. There’s a lot of really weird shit about them. Cannot be explained.

And once more it has to be stressed that “Can’t explain” automatically means “aliens” or whatever your favourite hobbyhorse happens to be. That they don’t know means exactly that, they don’t know.

Um... no, there isn’t *proof* of ET sightings or craft. The plural of anecdote is not evidence.

Wasn’t paying attention and hit the bank you can see on the left of the first pic. It happened slowly enough I had plenty of time to think “You have really f*cked this up” as it was going over.

She should never race again. She shouldn’t have raced in the first place. I truly don’t think she cares much, apart from her reputation and eventual charges.

I heard four (maybe five) of them were delivered WITHOUT vanity plates. Unbelievable.

Thanks for confirming the stereotype of the ignorant elitist northerner. See how easy this game is?

Some arrests need to be made. That videography was terrible.

‘Let us imagine for a moment that same car full of explosives in the subway and you will understand that we are entitled to ask ourselves the question of the effectiveness of all these new security measures.’

This is Brussels. Even if those kids were caught, nothing would happen. Or actually, riots might break out when police try to arrest the youths in question.

well, not everyone wants to sit and listen to NPR all day.

You weren't really expecting valuable knowledge out of this were you?

“It’s fun to shoot at things.” There, I edited that down for you.

Looks like the engine’s shot.