
Get comfortable. He’s gonna steal the wrong car one of these days, and someone will do loss.

Kid needs some personal attention all right....

Came to post this. He will likely end up getting shot by someone protecting their property and the it will be on gawker.

Hes black though so we have to blame the old man, and the neighborhood.

It won't be the police, this is Florida. He will inevitably do something to someone who is packing a gun.

They, ( 11 action news? Tampa),showed some of his family members at their house.All of them said he was “a good boy.”

so you couldn’t actually argue against the facts and had to be a grammar bitch

Don’t think anyone will be upset when this get kids his.

You forgot to take your meds this morning. Please take them now.

So......your saying a future in politics is possible for this “din-du-Nuffin" nice that records can be sealed at 18 years of age....yes he has the right attitude towards his fellow man to pursue this course or perhaps.....Wall Street.....

Really? Because he strikes me as more of a “I refuse to respect authority, other people or their property so someone should probably put a bullet between my eyes before the next high speed theft ends up costing someone their lives” type.

If by “valuable contributor to” you mean “constant drain on”, then yes.

Time to put this one down.

...happened in 2008...

How dare you question Obama’s professionalism? Why, between golf outings he’s concerned about...stuff, like the environment or whatever!

Emperor’s Lives Matter

At least he’s finally confirming it.

today I am pleased to announce by presidential decree that Barak Obama has dissolved the legislative and judicial branches of government and has declared himself Emperor for Life, welcome to the darkside folks

Its not just they’re obsessed with looking cool. Its just good PR, and you gotta admit...the idea of Stormtroopers raiding the White House makes a lot of people happy.

Sorry if I’m booring, but this is kind of unprofessional.
I love Star Wars; but what place has it in the White House?

But I suppose its logical; this WH seems obsessed with social media and clicks.