
This is what will happen - the last two, anyway.  Probably will be no good vaccine.  But the “deaths” part will eventually fade because the recovery rate from this cold virus is greater than 99.9%, and people will eventually realize that they’ve been lied to about this “deadly virus.”

He does, and he suggests wearing it if possible...

And they are, since they’re largely over it and their approach was very sound.

Why isn’t it just in the car?

Yet they don’t.

That’s the Big Brother talking point...

Nah - the “protect others” talking point was pushed because free-thinking people wouldn’t be as likely to obey for themselves, but being told they’re “protecting others” might make them more likely to obey because they are being “good guys.”

Yet no one has ever said that.

The latter is good, since it’s obvious that masks and lockdowns actually increase infection rates, much to certain governors’ surprise...

Like the military saying:  “Don’t issue an order you know people won’t follow.”

For a cold virus that is less than 0.1% fatal?

Look at the torque figures.  HP is meaningless unless you’re trying to go fast.

But that’s something you should specifically ask about...

They are under the floor.  They even provided a picture for you.

European countries and cities are much smaller and localized than the US. Something that certain people on both sides of the ocean conveniently “forget” when they’re claiming Europe does things “better.”

As with the Ohio gov last week - “positive” one day, negative two days later. Never miiiiiind!!

And, I presume asymptomatic, as so many “cases” are.

LOTS of people don’t knowingly do “racist” things.  lib snowflakes and racists are constantly making up new things that they say indicate “racism,” and accusing others of the trait, when THEY are the consummate racists!

Pay to download - well, it IS European, right?

Nah - most states which have a Springfield (all 50, supposedly) are about the size of Germany or larger, so it’s not confusing.