
The 85-mph speedometer was a short-lived debacle after the so-called “oil crisis” in the 70s. Congressional idiots decided that if the speedo would only indicate 85, people would think they were going so much faster at lower speeds because the needle would be higher on the gauge than if the gauge read to 125 or

That’s several minutes I’ll never get back...

I was waiting for the accusation that the Indy 500 is suddenly “sexist.”

...but you might have to sue for it.

...except eviction holds have been in effect all along, and Trump insists on extending them.

That’s getting to be more and more obsolete, 60s-era thinking.

It’s not hard, you know.  Just don’t spend all your money on every faddy thing that comes along.

What “killer virus?”  COVID-19?  Less than 0.1% infected die, and most of them are old AND very sick.  Flu is something you should worry much more about, not to mention lightning, car crash, etc.

They will respond with, “you are denying the ‘science.’”

They sure did, at least for a while.  It’s getting back to the way it was here, but, for a while, “rush hour” was like being on the roads at 0230.

That’s baffling to liberal arts majors. Things like “feedback” and “equilibrium”are foreign concepts, and must be attacked as “not believing the ‘science.’”

Yes we can.  But jimmuh and, more recently, barry and dingy harry, sure put a stick in those spokes.

But if you put the hypothetical change in a pretty graphic and call it “real,” social science majors who can’t even do long division or calculate a percentage will say it’s “science.”

You’re right - it doesn’t scale at all.  As a matter of fact, it’s all highly specious.

Oops - but he will attack you anyway...

I certainly agree with your first sentence, but then you kinda go over that edge you apparently believe in...

“...only lowered the estimated rise in temperature by 2030 by 0.01 degrees.”

You all should hide inside at all times with the windows closed and lights off.  It’s the ONLY way you’ll be safe!!

Who set the limits, and are they at all realistic?

...when it’s running...