
Note Ford didn’t do that because of any laws.

Do you REALLY think plugs would do that?!

He didn’t mention race - but I did.

Actually, the article would say “it disproportionately affects the poor and non-white males.”

Why is catching COVID-19 “risking his life?” Almost no one dies from it, and even fewer in Tracy’s age range.

The article says that.

Gasoline is NOT an excellent conductor.  It doesn’t conduct at all.  Pure water doesn’t, either, but it’s hard to find pure water.

A lot of that depends on what happens Nov 3.

Sure hope so. These will be people who can think for themselves.

You didn’t look very closely at those riots, then.

Scarves are “just as good,” right?

It’s been crazy leftist for a long time. Have you not been on it in a while?

They won’t get much business - almost no one dies from this flu, and almost all of the very few who die are very old and very sick from other things.

Good - in other words, people are allowed to be responsible for themselves!

Can’t imagine why, since COVID-19 kills almost no one.  Most people don’t even have any symptoms.

These guys should replace their belt once in a while...


Don’t you know that there’s NOTHING better than nyc?!?!?

In between nights of rioting?

That’s been done, as well.