
These are Vietnam-era, not WW II.  These are from a supersonic jet, so they’re gonna be longer and skinnier than the rounded tanks from earlier prop planes.

...and that pesky Congress, which was ultimately responsible...

Oh, but it DOES do what it was designed to do - thank God!!

What about maskless baby doc and fredo, and fauci?

The numbers of “cases,” most of whom have no idea they were even infected, is going to continue to climb - it’s a contagious cold!  Testing more and more people is going to reveal more and more “cases!”

Well, he DID leave over three years ago, although he still lingers...

You only say that because the facts don’t agree with YOUR “news.”

Not only that, but if you give them a house, they just trash it.

Maybe the reason you can’t afford cars is you keep doing burnouts and going sideways through roundabouts in them!

Miata is a girl’s car; Boxster is less of a girl’s car.

Trump’s fault, of course...

So many of people on here only keep a car for a little while - they’re so worried about what new car they can buy to replace the perfectly good car they currently drive, and still be able to eat.

This mess is not HOA-caused.  It’s so bad, he has the city after him.

Goya is doing VERY well with the ongoing buycott.

It would make sense. These are props, after all. Why would anyone bother using REAL cartoon weights?

Pretty funny that you’re upset that GM didn’t “condemn” Trump’s use of Chevy trucks! LOL!!

And this is 2020, not 1958.  Talk about desperately stretching to protect Lord tesla...

Rich doesn’t mean smart.  How hard would it be for him to look up the meaning of the German word?

It’s interesting how the fanbois keep ignoring that very obvious point.

Even I have experienced that! One trip there for business, and I could not BELIEVE the congestion on the secondary roads in that three-horse town!! And I’m from NoVA - I KNOW congestion!!