
EVERYone should take his post seriously. It is certainly closer to the truth than thinking they actually check (notice - even if they DO inspect it, that doesn’t necessarily mean they DO anything about it!!) all of those x00  things on that list.

I haven’t bought many cars, but I sure knew what I wanted before I even went looking at them. The only reason not to buy one this way is if it turns out to be so much different than expected or such a disappointment upon seeing and driving it.

I don’t understand why anyone would expect to or stand for haggling for any significant period of time for a car...if you can’t get the price you want, just go somewhere else.

They would say, “we’ll fix it under warranty.”

But all those things were “thoroughly inspected!”  (LOL - they’re almost certainly not - you’re just getting an extended warranty!)

That one always made me laugh.  The ominous warning where most crashes occur - where most driving occurs, surprisingly enough!  LOL!!

t-boned on the bottom?

Well, just ride carefully and responsibly, and you won’t crash.

What does the no helmet have to do with it?  Did he have head injuries?  Most motorcycle deaths aren’t due to head injuries.

Years ago I remember an insurance company stat alleging that a significant percentage of “ninja bikes” were wrecked within 45 minutes of purchase.

But these silly dust masks, t-shirt material masks, etc., don’t do anythng, especially the way so many people incorrectly wear them. They likely make things worse, ‘cause if one’s infected, one touches one’s face more frequently then touches other things, doesn’t replace the mask every x hours, etc.

How?  If you’re talking about the stupid coronavirus hysteria, it’s being shown to have a less than 0.1% fatality rate, and the vast majority of the deaths are very old and very sick people.

It’s because of their “high level of training.”

We never, ever threw our trash in the bushes, and most people we knew wouldn’t, either.  There were always the occasional litterbugs, as there are now.  You can see their leavings after “environmentalist” rallies, as well as antifa events and “screaming at the sky” events.

You were the first to make it!!

Don’t say “nobody.”  Just a “certain” group of people.

....and they have just committed a different type of crime!

Not if one isn’t trying to play silly games.

They believe the salesman and the ads.

How about going after the crooked, irresponsible buyers?