
That is an unbelievable concept to a lot of people, for some reason.

That’s why you never, ever believe anything a salesman tells you unless it’s written on the contract.

Why didn’t you just fix and keep driving the old car?

Much more sensible.  I know people do it because it’s quick and easy, but I never understood why people essentially sell their old car for less than wholesale, which is what they’re doing when trading in.

.....or just because they want a new car, and don’t give a damn about the consequences.

They are already available.  These people don’t want to be honest or responsible.  And they want to blame someone else for the fact they can’t afford something.

It’s already illegal.  Not that that matters to crusading legislators.

These obviously aren’t very intelligent or upright people to begin with. They know they can’t afford a new car, they already have a perfectly good car, but they “have to have” a new one, no matter the consequences.

Not only is this a shitty tactic, it sounds like criminal fraud or at least conspiracy.

That was my initial thought when I read the story.

tesla already does this, e.g., with their battery capacity.

They’ll say it’s “not safe” because the car’s components have aged...


So true here.  Like Harley dealers, they will probably refuse to support cars older than ten years - they want you to buy a new one!

aoc and fauxcahontas, in particular, say those things should not apply (for others, of course - not them!!).

I suffer from “PTSD” just THINKING about this incident!!

I think you’re the one who needs to feel again...

They certainly are SUPPOSED to use factory-spec parts and materials, they don’t necessarily.  It’s always worth checking, and that doesn’t just mean taking the service advisor’s word for it!

That wouldn’t feed the mindless hysteria.

You’ve already done that.