
If I’m going to “learn about a product,” I want to learn about it from someone BESIDES the outfit trying to sell it!

It was joke, yes?

I think it’s more likely the reason they decided to drop the HD idea is because HD said, “Hell, no!”

Why do you have to bring race into it?

Good for you!!

See?! YOU got it, too! And what really tears you up is that he’s RIGHT!!

Of course - you “don’t understand it,” but it MUST be weak!

It has to work everywhere, else it won’t work!

He was an angry, angry guy, but I didn’t think he was THAT angry!

Why hasn’t xxx Company recalled the yyy tire which has been “linked” to zzz deaths?!?!

And, ironically, that F-16 picture is of a real Thunderbirds pilot ejecting just before he slammed his aircraft into the ground because he badly misjudged a maneuver. Perfectly good aircraft destroyed.

What about Canadian Geese?

I hope they remembered to thank the “hero” for his service!!

She’s only mad ‘cause she didn’t end up being rewarded with what the thought she “deserved.”

I’M no expert, but allowing a woman who is accusing someone of a serious crime to just be referred to by a single, anonymous name is a little...Odd? While the accused, who, in, I presume, “much more enlightened” Canada, is fully named, even though he is presumed innocent? Also “Odd?”

Do you wear a helmet whenever you’re driving?

Sure....that’s what I hear dims say about such things in the US, too. Actual facts disagree.

It’s pretty sad when that’s the trope you almost always have to go to. And they only have 10% the population of the US on a similar-size land mass.

You were fine until the “stupid” part.

I see you’ve got some serious hostility...