
Y’all need to substitute “libs” for “conservatives.”

It’s the actual black African-Americans who dislike and are very dismissive of American blacks.

There are many people who don’t have the first understanding of any kind of science - this is the audience at whom the global “warming” hysterics direct their rhetoric.

No, he actually killed everyone there AND ate the camera! I saw THAT on the Internet, as well!!

the “CRUELTY!!!”

You should be asking how “effective” the driver was, since that’s whose fault this was...

As my father said to my native German-speaking mother, years ago, “Even when Germans are singing a lullaby, it sounds like they’re giving orders!!”

Fat lot of good that would have done....

Is this a joke?

“Spoof” - yeah, that’s the ticket!! He must be a dim - “spoof,” “mistake,” “poor judgement,” “error,” are terms groups such as the DNC and killary, et al., use that are otherwise known to “others” as “lies.”

I guess, or hope, that youse guys are feeling like minkeys, now.....

That was a movie - it wasn’t on a stage....

They obviously do! Did you see what it stopped, almost completely?!?!?!

Can’t contract away one’s liability.

...and when is the filing deadline? Next week?

The restrictor plates are tstupid, and make the cars too identical in power. If they want to slow down race cars, which is ironic, since racing cars are SUPPOSED to go as fast as possible, they should do something less specific, like limit displacement.

Oy - no wonder you believe in “global warming!”

Yes. And this isn’t jezebel.

LOL!! It IS pretty funny when julian gets upset when someone “releases” HIS info!! LOL!!

Because they were careless and irresponsible? And they will blame everyone but themselves for their stupidity?