
Right - you blame the gun manufacturer!

So people can get an idea of what the DNC is up to? You’d be pretty happy if they were RNC emails - and maybe that’s upcoming!

Because many don’t understand the frustration of a hard-working, ethical, considerate person who’s been out flogging it all week, often away from home, and just wants to get home for a little break, and is confronted by an almost unbelievable situation which upsets his careful planning. And his first reponse is not,

“understand” is different from “native speaker.”

You must have stopped paying attention a long time ago...

go to your safe space!!

But something does.

Not if one is a personal “injury” attorney....

How about when a non-pedestrian is going acoss - illegally, of course?

Don’t you understand it’s the emotion that’s important, not facts?

Aha - a bodily “injury” attorney!! Or judgement awardee!!

Who is “them?”

Videoing the people in line was apparently much more interesting.

...and might not have - who knows?

Maybe, maybe not. But, it would also be interesting to see that, instead of more video of people in some line...

I still would like to see where the car hit the “pedestrian.”

who are “they?”

Who says the guy hit the skateboarder? As usual, that part of the video is “missing!”

You’re one up on her....

lol!! But I’m guessing that’s part of “autoland!”