
Phony gun-grabber talking point based on nothing, since no one has any idea who has guns, nor how many guns anyone has.....

since C5

If he really said that, he was just playing you.

A foundation is not under the floor.

Good thing you didn’t jump up and down...

Research “sinkholes.” They are not at all uncommon.

Water IS acidic, by nature.

Even better, I like the option which “allows” one to pay a huge bucket of cash to “help” build the engine that’s going into one’s new car.

....and then you take it away, right?

That sounds like a plus to me......eliminate NHS entirely, and go back to a private system. It certainly is the preferred system in UK....

Right - like the market will NEVER recover.....

just don’t vote for hellary....

Photoshop did...

I’ve done my part!

...and then the welfare state came down on them.....

Care to?

obozo really started flogging obozocare?

It’s pretty comical that you think they pay “little to no taxes!”

It’s very common amongst our “enlightened” population.

OMG!! Without EU, that company will FOLD!! They wouldn’t know WHAT to do without EU!!