
Exactly - I don’t remember when UK entered it (it took them a while), but it’s not like the EU has been around forever! Just goes to show, today’s “intellectuals,” especially hipsters, think the world has always been the way it is today, and it should NEVER change!!

Lots of people like to use that term for a scalp wound. When I try to noodge them about it, asking if their brain fell out when they “split their head open,” they just give me a blank look. Not surprising.

Wouldn’t want to see reality.

A little cut is NOT an “enormous injury!”

My thought exactly. If I was that close to a swinging bat all day, I’d want at least a basic helmet.

And a minute later he comes back to see if he’s OK. Did you watch?

There are plenty of Americans who would. A lot of them are on these boards.

I don’t think UK will be the last to leave. And England is just one part of UK,’s been that way for a while....

You sound like a mindless lib I used to work with. I actually heard him utter these words as he stalked away after refusing to debate at all on some topic we were discussing: “MY opinions are FACTS!”

soros sure did - he was agin’ it - of course, I’sure he was hedged either way, but that would be a reason to vote “leave.”

Then she goes inside and tells her husband he needs to get her car fixed.

And drifting into the lane to his left in #21 and getting horned. I’m sure it was “the other guy’s fault,” somehow....

I was embarrassed one time by leaving my car in “D” and rolling into the wash after the guy just finished telling me to “put it in neutral.” He was yelling, “yo, yo YO!!”

Hey!! That’s the oblamercare model!! Works “great,” or so I’ve heard.....

That’s the state of “journalism” these days!

Again, I’m trying to figure out what the “awful driving” is in almost all of those vignettes.....

Come on - she’s a hipster female, who wants to write about cars! You’re not allowed to question her....!!

LOL!! And she doesn’t look like that anymore, either!!

“Rebates” that I am paying for....

I think you’ll find he’s mostly gambling OPM....