
A car never killed anyone, nor has a gun.

None of my guns has ever been used to hurt anyone, or even an animal. Also, none of the guns owned by anyone I know has ever been used to hurt anyone.

You guys are coming dangerously close to blaming the “victim” (AKA the stupid idiot who will not act responsibly).

Words and their meaning do not mean mean anything to dims. Emotion and taking advantage of a crisis do.

They don’t care. It’s “scary-looking,” thus must be banned. Except for dims and their security details. They “need” them.

Even though he had a “dangerous” gun?

Of COURSE one can vote from a mental institution - as IF they actually exist, anymore.

I wonder how drunk/stoned/high he was.....

What does a “lie detector test” have to do with determining whether someone has a fishing license? Why don’t they just ask him to produce it?

Wow - another keyboard warrior! You are aware it’s illegal to physically attack someone for saying things you find unpleasant? Unless, of course, you’re rioting in and around a Trump political rally?

....which is obviously perfectly OK with a bunch on here.....

It’s a very legitimate question. Libs, especially hipsters, consider “islamist-shaming” a very real thing to be avoided, at the encouragement of our “fine” administration. Gotta blame the incident on ANYTHING else besides the real problem!

True ‘dat. Every little thing that used to be just a local news story if it got any attention at all now gets 24/7 international attention for weeks or months or even years, as the 24-hour “news” shows hysterically try to fill time.

Who imagined 9/11 happening even 16 years ago?

I kept reading to learn about the violence - all I read about was talking, cursing and yelling.

You were doing well until the end. At least you do understand the truth.


It’s reality.

Where did anyone say he wanted to stop him?

Depends on what the new car was and how much you paid for it - presumably a lot.