
And the “kit car” is almost guaranteed to be better in every way, and won’t break down EVERY time one drives it - just half the time.....

Not to mention, a real person can afford one. If it’s done right, no one who matters can tell the difference.

Puffy, pale, smug....what’s to hate?

Wait and see when you try to get it back.....

...or a “progressive.” Kinda the same thing, though....

wow.....are you stoned, or something? You actually think “a lot of things” means the same as “everything?”

lol!! “Ass-butt?!” Is that your favorite term?

I think the words he used were “...a lot of things...,” not “...everything...”

Actually, they should just ban air shows. And flying.

I’m still rolling my eyes at the article’s comment that “...this crash is not apparently tied to the Thunderbird crash...”


Actually, all except the lead are watching the lead, or whoever’s between him and the lead.....

Here in northern VA it’s common to have 4-lane divided roads with 35mph speed limits. It’s VERY easy to generate a lot of paying paper with those!

Yes, there is. The end result is essentially the same; the records would show different words.

And the legal “battle” cost him nothing, as he or his lawyer buddies did all the representing.

Exactly my situation - even the same leg!

This is not WA.

“Could” is the key. Talk to a defense attorney about what the possible outcomes actually are.

And before anyone believes his claims, that person should check to see what kinds of cases he actually represents.

Talk to an experienced defense attorney (like the guy who’s the subject of this article) about what the real situation is.