
And don’t talk to the police.

That is the line they feed you to try to scare you into “compliance.”

My balance is so bad I would have a hard time doing most of those tests 100% sober.

Drinking doesn’t mean impaired. And, his business is getting people off for this lind of thing, so he certainly should know all the tricks to play to maipulate the legal process.

However, if the places where these things occur had a weapon to respond when the very rare murderous criminal showed up, very illegally, with his, the problem would be significantly reduced.

Please start in Chi-town...

And the same thing happened in Australia. Criminals did not turn in their guns, and they continued to get them illegally.

Did you read?

successful in what? Banning guns.....

who are “they?”

Yes, it does, to that side of the aisle. We already have tens of thousnads of “gun control” laws, and the only people they affect are those who obey the law.

Exactly my thought - virtually everywhere in the US, guns are banned in schools and government buildings.

...which gives gun-grabbers more “ammo” to say we need to ban guns!!

“Sensible” gun control, AKA restricting law-abiding people as much as possible from having guns, may be banned, hopefully.....

That wasn’t an opinion - it was a fact!


Nope - the response that he can just get a taxi or a friend to drive him, just like anyone else with no car, will be the answer (unless it’s the Ninth Circuit).

How does one rob a store through a window? Close it and get away from it!

better call Saul?

“equal access” provided when it’s reasonably easy to accomplish....