
MORE lawsuits!!’re giving him ideas!!


At McDonald’s?

I “see” what you did there.....

And, don’t forget - morbid obesity is now a federal “protected class.”

Luckily, McDonald’s has plenty of staff cousel, and can stand up to the scheister doing if for free, hoping to get a big payout, and fame.

....most of these guys have no shame.....

I don’t think that’s the proximate cause, or whatever they call it in civil law.

Yes - pile on the lawsuits!!

An ACA advocate told him.

Even if it was just 2.4%, that’s a lot!

That is supposedly the British model.

Oh, yeah - that’ll “fix” it, all right......

They are taken on contingency, because the lawyers know that most cases are settled because litigation is so expensive.

*citation needed proving he’s wrong.

yes - it turned out far worse than we ever dreamed.....

who are “they?”

There’s also a subway tunnel or two that’s been going on forever.....

Yes - and look where it is, and who’s run the place essentially forever....