
You got the leftist part right - your are very “confused” about the conservatives who would want to do it because it would be a money-making proposition for the contractors, and it would make it so much easier and efficient for endless others to conduct business into the future.

Oops - sorry - it was the NYT.

Watch and listen to him for a while.

And violent, racist thuggery.

You “forget” to include cummings’ picture, his party, and the kinds of things he regularly rants about in Congress.....

It’s a classic. lol!!

They also have 717s, from their purchase of AirTran.

He doesn’t think about stuff like that. That’s why he’s been in and out of prison all his life, and will die early.

You are such a cute gun-grabber.....

as long as he did it while the guy was trying to run him over, probably so....


First degree murder is premeditated. The other degrees of murder are still intentional killing, but with different levels of circumstances of passion, anger, extreme disregard for the decedent’s well-being, etc.

...and English, apparently....


Don’t hold your breath....

They don’t need to tighten driving requirements. They already shouldn’t be driving, according to TODAY’S driving requirements. For some reason, courts are hesitant to crack down on them....

Today’s Washington Post, at least. Go look, it’ll be there.

It’s pretty stupid to confront someone in a car who’s obviously a little off when one is on a motorcycle.....

What drugs were you taking? And, presumably, still are?

And, very likely, so did she....