
Then you are an asshole, and should move to one of these many other countries.

Passing on the right is certainly not illegal in VA, and I understand it’s no longer illegal in many if not most states.

OK - who really wrote this? Captain Obvious?

Welcome to New Yawk!!

Fuck traffic scofflaws. Who obviously have enough money to pay their fines.

Don’t criticize him - he’s very “sophisticated!” He lives in NYC!! front of a cop.

You hadda point out you use a standing desk.....

Think how many high-tension lines there are in the world....

One would have to try REALLY hard to be killed by electrocution doing that...

I’ve seen this a number of times, and I still wish they would explain what they are inspecting for....

...unless you do, if he “knows a guy”.....

What in the world do they inspect in five minutes?

Almost exactly the same in VA.

No, those sights are NOT rare in VA!!

So, she got a “fail” sticker, so went and traded her car in?

It’s not CO2 that’s the issue, despite all the propaganda you’ve been force-fed. It’s real air pollutants that are.

Those “terrifying” cars got that way in less than a year?

try proving it.

You should use your ebrake occasionally, so the cable doesn’t stick.