e holder

When he said, “...wrong side of the road...,” did he realize he was in Oz....?

I was very afraid the first few times I heard that, too. It’s fairly popular here in Virginia.....

Just like the DC Metro - all the self-centered asholes are clustered by the doors.....

....not to mention the making of those things.....

it makes him feel better if it’s somewhere else.....then it’s “caused by someone else”.....

you think a Popular Science article is “historical fact?!?!”

It is, now - they started a few months ago....

Does she already miss having him living in her basement?

....not to mention, on the correct side of the road.....

He dismissed all that, because the asshole was “justified”.....

I wonder if he lost his job after this.....oh - that’s right - never mind.....

lol!! Now, THAT is a DICK!!!! LOL!!

Surrounded, at night, by a mob of screaming, armed people riding the wrong way down the street in front of a bunch of cars?

again, incorrect

Not quite true. While iron oxide is the first and most popular meaning of “rust,” it also means the oxidation of any metal.....

Look both ways before going through those intersections.....

Yeah - who would want to leave Detroit, or Flint.....FASCINATING!!

I’m sure it’s strictly “coincidence.”

Why would a German plane sink a Japanese destroyer?

“could” have been.....but likely would not have been.....