Aha - there was a little more to the original story.....and was there anything like a little bit of cash out involved in this transaction....?
Aha - there was a little more to the original story.....and was there anything like a little bit of cash out involved in this transaction....?
....and done what?
Your first sentence is dumb. Your second is better.
Debt is a very useful tool.
The point is it was a guy with money who just said, “Screw you! I’m not paying!”
he sure isn’t fast!
right back at ‘ya, you self-absorbed asshole!
So, you’re thieves.....
These are the people at whom those auto insurance ads complaining about “reduced value” after a car is bought are aimed......
And then, ironically, they won’t go out in the snow because they’re “afraid to!”
you should move there
you, definitely, are ready for bernie.....
....also ready for hellary.....or bernie.....or maybe lunchbucket joe......
..ready for hellary....or lunchbucket joe.....
Oh, they have money. They just “don’t want to spend it on that!”
You didn’t find any cars out in the parking lot?
It’s definitely not real. Just like all the other “reality TV.”
The VIN is all over the car. This sounds like BS. And you don’t “file it off.” It’s not a gun.
I thought it was “Jewish lightning.” Are you expressing bigotry?
Whatever the reason, he’s still there and not paying. Or he’s lying, and it was paid off somehow, and he just wants attention.