
I feel like dribbling would fall under a “core aspect” of basketball, and I feel like being the best dribbler in the league would make Kyrie pretty elite at that skill.

Man Concerned Woody Johnson Will Stay With Him Until His Peak, Then Abandon Him

I think the NFL and NBA are great examples that attempts at simplification of rules can result in expansion of the rulebook. If you take just the example rule he gives in the 4th to last paragraph, there are probably 8 or more aspects to it that could end up being broken down to subparts and subparts of subparts in

Haha well I started with “idiotic” then dialed it back, but probably still a little too strong. Once you get riled up on the internet it tough to bring it back down.

This is a pretty ignorant article, in my opinion. This is how refereeing works in literally every sport (strike zones, the NFL catch rule, NBA fouls and flagrant fouls). Also rules like the NFL catch rule have shown that further detail and parsing of the rules can not only not have the intended effect, but can have

“found a brand new form of dickpunch”

“But whenever I try to get my slider home, people knock it 400 feet away.” - Matt Harvey

“[Officer,] you should be responsible for what you say [and not what you drink, so I think you should let me go],” said LaRussa.

I don’t see what the conclusion of this article has to do with Venmo. Splitting the check evenly when people ordered different priced items and wanting your friends to pay part of the water bill after they wash their hands are world’s apart.

The Bucks aren’t worried about it because this story is just a Shams

First good trade for the Dallas Cowboys in years.

Fuck yeah I’ve Got insider trading tips, Just Ask Me

I’m sorry Dwight Howard, I didn’t know my comment would have such an effect on you. Enjoy the rehearsal!

Frankly, Armin Tamzarian is a great example of what the article was talking about.

Lmao, “I’m not mad, it’s just funny to me.” The mating call of the nude and red internet commenter.

I feel like people want CEOs to pay 90% taxes OR die in a fire, but I’m an optimist.

The entire point of my post is that they don’t deserve to be shit on continuously because they are people. Also not having sympathy for any famous people who make $20 million a year is a pretty societally-held belief, but sorry I sort of criticized the athlete you like a little bit.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Fair criticism, but what I was trying to say is that athletes are criticized differently than any other profession. No one rips the 20th best CEO or lawyer for being a quitter because they rested on their laurels a bit once they got near the top.

Though pretty much no one ever feels sympathy for professional athletes (and rightfully so), it has got to be hard to be in a profession where you are judged so much based on your potential at 18, and where if you’re not a winner, you’re a loser. For someone like Howard, who has been to the Finals, is a multiple