
A guy on my high school lacrosse team drove a 300ZX and his gorgeous sister drove a 3000GT. They were a cool family.

“They don’t exist for us anymore” is either a poor translation of Czech to English, or shows that the Czech legal system takes the behavior of its officials VERY seriously.

Early apple products, otherwise known as seeds.

Also sat on hold for 45 minutes when most sane people would have just called back.

I’m glad he treated everyone in the store like shit (or at least embellished it to make it sound like he dude, which is worse), I’m sure that was great for everyone. One thing society needs is more cursing out of random people for mild incompetence.

That’s funny, because the Blind Referee card in Squire’s Gate also allowed you to take one point from your opponent

Space Jam 2 is gonna be really bad if the Monstars just take the powers of players like Demar DeRozan and Kyle Lowry

This is in reference to the Blazers? They have put up quite a fight, butI don’t think beating the Zombie/D-League Clippers and taking one game from the MVP-less Warriors shows you are the most organized team left in the playoffs.


Anyone considering this: Please take the time you would spend doing it and do quite literally any other possible thing.

A short guide to success in 2016: Never apologize or admit to anything, regardless of contrary evidence.

Step 1: Cover everything up for 40 years.

Once the Radiohead fans woke up at 10:30 the tide really turned.

Well apparently people can’t dislike Radiohead without being dipshits about it either.

From the first three replies, it seems like now you’ll have to write“How to Not Like Radiohead Without Being a Dipshit” next.

Im pretty sure if a non-qualifying team wins a spot some other way (Europa/UCL win) the EPL loses the 4th place qualifying spot. So maybe 5 would be possible but don’t think 6 could happen.

5. You need someone to tell you the above 4 things are red flags.