
If Donald Trump accidentally shit his pants today in public, he’d INSIST he did it on purpose as a power move, then proceed to call a press conference every morning for the remainder of his presidency to publicly shit his pants as a daily morning ritual.

Each night before bed, we portioned out a few bottles worth of powder into a travel case thing - it had 3 partitions where you could put pre-measured formula powder. We had a few bottles prefilled with water. Baby woke up, you pop in the powder, shake, feed. Why on EARTH would you leave all the formula stuff

That was your experience but it wasn’t my wife’s. Latching on was a struggle, baby often would doze after a few sucks and it took *FOREVER*. After swapping to a bottle, it was dump, mix, feed pretty quickly. And it meant we could alternate so we were both getting longer blocks of sleep.

There’s not a single Jim Carey performance that holds up for me. I admit fully to loving the Mask and Ace Ventura and all that shit back in the day but time passed and each and every one of his movies is just unendurable now. Even the more dramatic ones.

This whole experience with Trump is like if you and your friend find some sort of random treat in the back of the fridge and you’re like man that looks old and disgusting.  I don’t think its going to taste good and he’s like Yea it will and he eats it.  And I keep waiting.  I know at some point it dawns on him that

Watched on Ipad, had no issues aside from times where it was an obviously intentional fog of war effect.  I turned up my brightness a bit, but like from low to medium low.

Much like in The Walking Dead, I think the folks of Westeros are going to learn that the dead were a problem but the living are truly terrifying.

I heard RGIII called him to say “break a leg”

Curious - do you think he’s done anything to get more than the 61million votes he got last time around?  Has he made his base more likely to turn out?   Or expanded his base?  Do you think he has brought new people into the fold?  I’m just making conversation here not trying to imply something.

If you look historically at the presidential approval ratings, the rating of the incumbent changes a lot when the opposing party has a nominee or a short list of nominees. I think when people poll him now they dont have an “anchor” for comparisons sake. People do much worse with “Do you like Trump” than they do with

maybe he meant Trump will be abusing speed in his 70s and 80s

The thing about ‘conservative humor’ is that it isn’t funny to anyone. The sentiment is met with nods from other conservatives and anger from liberals, which are deflected with “its just a joke”. This is where the conservatives laugh because the humor is only in the act of making liberals mad. Subvert equality - to

I’m enamored with the idea that the one person left will be someone who doesn’t really want to be a ruler(Jon, Tyrion, Brienne etc) and they end the monarchy and install a constitutional democracy with a centralized government overseeing the 7 states.

Counter argument - Bran successfully lures the night king in to the Godswood, then he wargs into one of the dragons and we get to find out if the night king is vulnerable to dragon breath.

worth noting that having watched seasons 3-current in the last few weeks I don’t think the show has every used the words ‘democrat’ or ‘republican’ and certainly not in a context of assigning those labels to any person.  Consider the show to operate in some parallel universe where the parties and nomination systems

This show, is literally about making you like someone so they can take them away from you painfully.  RIP Brienne (I hope I'm wrong)

I think it fits with Jon.  Hes a bit of a dolt, and he NEVER considers the political ramifications of any of his actions.  She told him that made him an heir and he looks at her like "so, what's your point? " he is so singularly focused on survival, the polar opposite of Cersei who is solely thinking about positioning

The whole vibe of sitting around a campfire knowing the next day you’re all going off to college or summer is over and theres a sort of sad fatalism.  This is it, not much left to do than sit and look at the flames and sigh.  They captured the tension and anxiety and melancholy of it all so well.  It was an hour long

Aafter the knighting ceremony I feel confident that Brienne has 2 possible outcomes in all this: she does next week in spectacularly heroic fashion, or she lives and somehow ends up on the iron throne.  No in betweens.

Can’t help but feel like a guy with a flaming sword and a fire god at his back would be one heck of a card to play in a fight against an ice dragon