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    All of Leia’s best moments come after the Force-space-walk, and her later scenes are very important for Poe and Rey’s character development. If Leia dies in the explosion, then she can’t wake up and stun Poe in the middle of his silly mutiny (and then later tell the rest of the Resistance to follow him in the cave).

    I hate how it’s always up to one of Bill Maher’s panelists to call out his guests on their bullshit. Reminded me of the Milo moment where Maher was nodding along with his anti-trans invective and saying things like “That’s not unreasonable” in response to clear hate speech, and Larry Wilmore had to play the role of

    Lynch is one of my favorite filmmakers of all times, and Lynch’s Dune is one of my wife’s favorite movies of all times, but I absolutely hate that movie with every fiber of my being. She’s always trying to make me “give it another chance” about once a year. I think I’ve seen it five times and it never improves. The

    That was one of the best Super Bowl games of the last 20 years.

    I work in post-production and the work on Superman’s lips was so jarring to me that I literally couldn’t pay attention to anything else in his scenes. Knowing what’s involved in digitally erasing a mustache from an entire performance, the team did a pretty good job given their short timeframe and the impossibility of

    Not yet, but it’s interesting that Arnold Schwarzenegger physically attacks a woman in all three of their movies together, and he has Tom Arnold chortle “Bet you think she’s still a virgin, huh?” about Eliza Dushku’s 12-year-old character.

    It’s unclear if Rey took them, or if Yoda moved them into Rey’s possession using the Force. Yoda may have known the texts were safe when he burned down the temple, having done this to help Luke rather than to actually move on from the past.

    The Star Wars universe is so sexless that it feels weird for them to portray a broader range of sexual identities. I think there are only two couples confirmed to have a sexual relationship out of 8 films — Anakin & Padme, and Han & Leia. And in the latter case, this was only confirmed in TFA because they have a son.

    This all depends on how big the screen is and how far away you’re sitting from it.

    If you’re sitting 12 feet away from a 50" TV, then you probably won’t see much improvement going to 4K. If you’re sitting two feet away from a 32" 4k monitor, the difference between 1080p and 4K is night-and-day.

    The issue isn’t that 50"

    The Force Awakens introduced the idea that everyone in the Star Wars universe is a huge Star Wars fan who plays with Luke and Vader action figures in their spare time. Johnson runs with this idea and makes the theme of Episode VIII that these characters are trying to contextualize their own stories in terms of the

    I like how it doesn’t occur to the chicken wing magnates that they could stop the NFL players from kneeling if they told Republican politicians to take police brutality seriously as a condition of their donations, instead of obsessing over tax cuts for themselves.

    I tend not to applaud admitted rapists. He’s looking for a pat on the back for pre-emptively outing himself, but he’d only deserve a pat on the back for not raping women.

    So maybe they shouldn’t have built their multi-billion dollar amusement park on an island with an active volcano?

    I mean, shouldn’t this have gotten Isla Nublar crossed off the shopping list? Isla Sorna presumably doesn’t have an active volcano. Also, this means that even if Jurassic Park had opened successfully in

    It’s a fundamental limitation of the franchise. Some franchises allow for a variety of stories, like Alien/Prometheus or Planet of the Apes, where certain elements are recycled but they aren’t locked into an identical structure for every movie. But because in the world of Jurassic Park, the dinosaurs are confined to

    Nobody wants to make this argument, but it’s a conversation we’re going to need as this continues. So far the #MeToo movement has lost us a senior Democratic House member and a senator, both of whom were safe votes on all women’s issues. It also got the only mainstream trans show on TV canceled and put a dozen trans

    Yeah just because Stannis isn’t all that fun to be around for the other characters on the show, that doesn’t mean the character is uninteresting. Stannis lacks the charisma to command loyalty of the type needed to win the war, despite the fact that he is well qualified to be king and should be next in line after

    It’s a huge deal when a director shows up to the set hours late (or not at all). The studio still has to pay the crew and feed them while they’re sitting around waiting for the director. Certain permits and locations may not be available again right away. A movie doesn’t have to fall too far behind schedule before the

    In fairness to Snyder/Whedon, this is a problem with lots of Justice League stories. Superman is so much more powerful than everyone else that he always has to be sidelined for most of the story (here he’s dead, sometimes he’s trapped in a kryptonite prison, etc.) And then when Superman is finally back to full health,

    I am! It’s not my fault New Yorkers opted for 20 years of Giuliani and Bloomberg. I voted against Bloomberg three times and would have voted against Giuliani if I’d been over 18.

    Hellz no! I am an extremely liberal Trump-hating native New Yorker.  I’ve voted in every election since about 2004 and never once voted for a Republican.