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    Assuming you don’t live in NYC, I suggest you run for city council and propose legislation to make your home city the most homeless friendly in the country! You can put fold out mattresses in your train stations, install cushioned benches with no armrests, and line the streets with heated porto-potties.

    Would be great

    They could go upstate or further out onto the Island.

    My last apartment was two blocks away from a homeless shelter (we found out only after we signed a two-year lease). My car was broken into by homeless people three times while we lived there. The cops caught one guy, and he went to prison for stealing toilet paper we had left inside from a Target run. The expense of

    Well I usually look up at the other commuters who are going to and from their jobs and homes. Sometimes homeless people purposely lay around the station so that people will accidentally step on them and feel bad and give them money.

    I don’t like how the video implies “defensive design” is insidious. I don’t want to be hassled by homeless people, I don’t want to see homeless people, I don’t want to smell homeless people, and I don’t want to accidentally step on homeless people. I think anything that makes them uncomfortable enough to go away out

    Not shocking in the slightest. I worked with him one time at a corporate event. He showed up two hours late, red-faced drunk at 11 am, and kept leering at the female event coordinators. I wouldn’t be surprised if another 30-40 women come forward.

    I’m concerned that once there’s a precedent that every Democratic senator/congressman/governor must immediately resign within days of any Twitter allegation, then there will be lots of allegations against lots of elected Democrats. And they won’t all be from blue-ish states with a deep bench of capable public servants

    There are lots of overlong movies that just need 15-20 minutes cut out, but I always thought Return of the Jedi suffers from being too short. The entire first act is just them rescuing Han Solo, which is more of a standalone short film, and then everything after that is rushed because they have to resolve the Galactic

    At some point in the future, we’re going to find out a Republican candidate for high office is a serial killer and the Hannity ecosystem will still defend him because Democrats will steal your guns and raise your taxes.

    Yeah I’ll never be able to sympathize with his character in Se7en again.

    My theory is that a number of their very expensive original shows get embarrassingly low ratings, and their Adam Sandler crap gets the highest ratings, and they don’t want shareholders demanding less quality content and more crap. Refusing to release the numbers allows Netflix to control their own narrative.

    House of Cards isn’t a good show so I don’t really care about not seeing the ending.

    However, I don’t like the precedent this sets, where every time we get into a serialized drama, we have to worry about someone coming forward with sexual harassment allegations against one of the stars and forcing production to halt on

    Yeah, it’s kind of like how Dick Cheney kinda sorta found his conscience on gay rights once he found out he had a lesbian daughter. Conservatives only recognize wide-ranging systemic abuses when they’re personally affected by the abuse.

    Megyn Kelly looked the other way at constant sexual harrassment and abuse for 13

    It’s Hollywood, everyone talks. There’s no way people like Quentin Tarrantino didn’t hear many of these crazy stories over the years, even if Harvey didn’t actually force an aspiring actress to give him a massage right in front of QT. Everyone who ever worked with the Weinsteins knew about this, and went along with it

    I haven’t watched the show since its first season, and one reason is that as soon as they introduced the heroin addict in the pilot, I just knew the writers would relentlessly bring off-the-wagon plotlines back for years whenever they needed to generate conflict.

    It’s probably easier to come up with a list of Hollywood moguls who *don’t* use their power to harass women (or twinks, in Bryan Singer’s case). If they just wanted to make lots of money they would have worked on Wall Street or started a business. They went out to Hollywood specifically because there were lots of

    So up until now: a teenager repeatedly shooting people in cold blood = fine, saying the f-word = right out.

    In the early days of the internet, there was no Google and no social media. It was really hard to find sites that catered to your interests, because if you used Webcrawler to search for something like “film reviews,” you’d get about a thousand results that had nothing to do with film. It seems ridiculous now, but

    I don’t think the kindly AVC writers saw a raise after they were folded into the Kinja mothership.

    Yeah, they didn’t start the Boba Fett movie because they realized they made a huge mistake in hiring Trank. Just as they eventually realized they made a huge mistake in hiring all the other people they fired. Taken individually, whatever, but when it happens on nearly every project it’s evidence that the producers