El Guapo de_NJMIA

This is why I struggle so much with basically all ‘feel good’ viral things. It just becomes a giant circle- jerk of self-congratulations. Like the ice bucket challenge was great in the instances where people actually made a donation after their Facebook video, but otherwise it’s just more ‘loooook at meeeeee’ (which,

“... the only difference between him and a Republican is that he says he’s not one.”

I love how Google Voice rings all my devices that I am signed into. I can take a phone call from my ObiTalk device, or my tablet, my computer (at home and at work), or just my plain ol’ phone.

“in terms of reproductive quantity”

Good news for all you lovers of pumpkin flavored shit. With the exception of pie most of the trendy pumpkin flavored stuff you gobble down uncontrollably doesn’t actually contain or even taste like pumpkin. It’s nutmeg flavored.

Pumpkin-puree shortage just in time for the holidays, eh? Sounds like horse shit to me... I hope there’s no shoe-string onion shortage, as well.

He just angry cuz he got all those teeth and no toothbrush.

I’m sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that Dyson - the original, overpriced recommendation by Estes to replace your Swiffer - is a paid sponsor of this site.

Just color the hair red and it might as well be Amy. Doesn’t look much like Clara.

Nothing against Clara, but I’d like an Amy Pond option.

I remember in the movie, Doc told Marty to order a Pepsi and gave him a $50. Technically, they are discounting these bottles.

You used three sets of parentheses, but one period? You should not be in any school system.

I’m told bears excel at it.

To sum up the video... “It could be something... it could be nothing”.

Haha, damnit. He beat me by a minute!

I hope you two find each other. Missed a connection by a minute.

It's like a time traveler from the past trying to blend in.

Defense is something you need to contend with in a mass emergency situation. More often than not just having a gun is more than enough to scare off potential human threats.

This is why LEGO people shouldn't be animated beyond their actual, physical limitations.