El Guapo de_NJMIA

Same with my house... and it’s just me here.

Bacon does not go uneaten in my house long enough to necessitate freezing.

Boooo! Buzzkill! You remind me of that time when I was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark with my dad when I was 7. I was spellbound by the movie, caught up in every scene, literally sitting at the edge of seat. Indy falls into the pit, turns around, and is confronted by a menacing snake! My dad turned to me cooly and

From the news it usually looks like fire. ;-)

Can’t argue with Bay on the money. Wish they had snuck in Wes Anderson.

make-up artist fail.

Picking a President is like picking which bullet you’re going to be shot with.

I hope the FUD-press remembers to roll out this story again in 5 years so people will remember to replace all the 5-year shelf life stuff in their bucket.

Happy to say I live this life. Unhappy to say, its not by choice. I live in a 400sq ft apartment because its all I could find for under $1000 a month, I cook at home because I live alone and have no one to go out with. I bike to work because I’m afraid of my car taking a shit and needed $$$$ for repairs.

Half of me is jealous. The other half of me is really really depressingly sad jealous.

What I gathered from all of this: Captain America: Civil War has strong potential to be a cluttered mess.

Sorry to get all jalop on you, but Ferrari make it no secret that their cars are over priced. Their founder, Enzo Ferrari said that anyone who buys one of his cars is getting overcharged, but that the money is going to the Ferrari Formula 1 team, and that if you aren’t a fan of the team or have a problem with the

SO WHO RACES AT THE PROFESSIONAL LEVEL??? NOBODY!!!!!! A great bike shouldn’t cost you any more than $200 MAX!!

And stop with the dressing like lance armstrong schtick...seriously...just stop it!!!!

Did they tested it or they just claim safety issue to protect their gigantic profit margin?

What makes the individual days, weeks, and years go by so quickly is that as adults we live by routines and those routines blur together. When you’re a kid everything is new as you’re learning and meeting new teachers/classmates.

So, you’re the tech site. Let’s see the story about the civilian drone that can effectively chase an air tanker flying over 130 mph!

I think Leto can absolutely do his part, but I’m still not on board with the character design

Not gonnna lie, I had a high hopes for this, and it ended up being pretty shit. Especially The Joker. I just don’t find him believable. I don’t think anyone will surpass old Heathy. God bless.

People do not have friendly debate on Facebook or most public spaces. The people who post political things on Facebook don't do it to change anyone's mind or enter into mindful discussion, they do it to flaunt how smart they think they are (gross generalization - there are obviously many exceptions).