El Guapo de_NJMIA

1) his organization doesn’t run on good will and intentions. his backing needs to come from somewhere. I never said he had money. read my comment again.

*a single person with money to back him up

that’s why I said Sowweeee :( sowweeee for says soweeee :(

no, but the way people are today. just tiered of every time I go on line or turn on the TV someone is ranting and raving about some “atrocity” or “that’s not nice” (even when it’s suppose to be a positive piece) and how it needs to change.

I find it remarkable that’s what you get out of the story. you’re the type that finds a fight/issue with anything just to get some attention aren’t you?

Honestly I thought it was going to go the way of myspace but I think it’s because of all these constant changes it’s stayed alive.

how about you re-re-read

I have to say as much as I loved the nexus 6, I’m glad to be back on ios. I just got tired of the constant crashing, loss of signal, and the lag/choppiness of the UI, it got annoying after a while. The size at times was inconvenient but was awesome the few moments I was watching movies on it.

1) I really hate to be that guy but Miami is not Miami Beach. 2 completely different cities.

“notify the US government and the public.”

looks like a pretty smart guy!

Who? the guy or the phone? I see people like you in need of help and end up screwed because of your misguided and narrow minded views a lot. and to be honest I don’t shed a tear.

I’d love to see a Michael Keaton vs Christian Bale Batman movie!!

“I only know of three octopuses being found”

I’m sure Jessica didn’t think it was a mistake when she was the one starting out and he was the one making the money. She had no problem forgoing the prenup back then. Goldiging hoe!

my first thought is where do they get the new body?

Don’t worry I’ll do it for you and I’ll thumbs up it too. Hopefully he’ll do a video of him clearing an entire section of a rain forest with a weed whacker while flying upside down in a plane. :D

shit!! this has to be the best (funniest) one!! BITCH!!