El Guapo de_NJMIA

ehh good for her, but only for the fact that it pissed so many people off.

So...Gizmodo has gone from being a “tech” blog to a political one? I know it’s been steering further away from tech in the past few years but lately all I see is opinionated posts about social and political crap we have to see everywhere else. There aren’t even good posts, they are all one sided, uninformed rants.

For a second there I thought this was The Expendables 4 trailer.

lol you have it wrong. this is what you use after Siri gives you wrong directions and leave you stranded somewhere.

but but this contradicts everything the media tells us?!?!?!

anybody got an alternate link since it’s no longer available in youtube?

apparently you didn’t but I’ll elaborate:

If you’d stop, read what he said and stop being so defencive when there is no needed, you’d see that’s not what he said at all.

you must work for Verizon. This is almost identical to my past issue. right down to the lame excuse.

considering most women, I bet he is :(

That’s a lot of sloppy seconds.

that ain’t pink eye, the man has glaucoma. (wink)

That I’ve seen, Toys R Us has them for $20, 8 figure case for $10

unfortunately in Miami thats called illegal dumping and comes with a $500 fine and jail time. anything out on the curb that’s not in the county trash bins has to be scheduled for disposal.

you know who I blame for this shit? Ryan Seacrest, him and his stupid keyboard attachment for phones. Giving BB false hope that this is still relevant or needed.

ummm why not South Florida? We gots the lobsters too! It’s one of the few good things about South Florida.

I went to the wrong school.

That worked perfect!