El Guapo de_NJMIA

All that’s missing is an Airline attendant or TSA agent opening your bag and stealing your stuff.

those always reminded me of an elephant gun.

still cant get over how much they look like Donald Duck.

$700 is an exception to this case, but I got mine (samsung chromebook 2) at best buy for $50. some guy had just returned it and was within 15 days of purchase. I have to say despite some of the reviews I’ve read (here included) this thing is a champ. Added a 128GB micro SD for another $50 from amazon and boom!! I

no, unfortunately you’ll need iTunes. What I used to do at work was remote into my home computer and use the itunes there. since now I have an android device I use chrome remote desktop. really fast with almost no lag on my phone.

no, unfortunately you’ll need iTunes. What I used to do at work was remote into my home computer and use the itunes

I do the same but with iOS. Those tend to be a little more pricy so when they are cheap its good to grab them.

I do the same but with iOS. Those tend to be a little more pricy so when they are cheap its good to grab them.

Considering you had nothing productive or insightful to say regarding my comment other than “your really dumb” proves that you’re either a) looking for some attention from people you don’t know, to make your worthless life a little more meaningful or b) you really are a retard with nothing intelligent to say.

lol, you really are retarded. enjoy your internet “victory”.

that is true, I’ve seen a few.

I agree, There are some instances that it is necessary. My problem is the over use in situations where it’s not needed.

god your a fuck retard. it was in regards to your comment. it didn’t take much thought rather than engage a simple conversation.

Let me clarify considering I’m getting stupid, nothing to contribute to a conversation comments like the one before yours. As mentioned before my opinion is CG is over used and is mass producing garbage at a high rate. their over use of CG is numbing the viewer to everything they see and is killing story telling. The

how long did it take you to come up with that one?

All this guy did was reinforce how much CG is in everything we see and practically removes any effort from the view to use their imagination. Is a green screen really need to have someone walk into a bus stop? I know a few makeup artist and their work slaps any CG I’ve seen. I understand it might be needed to bring

“Sometimes you just want a couple strips of bacon”

and that’s why I liked DOFP. It erased all that other bullshit that came before it. The studios have a chance to makes things right this time.

This is cool and all but let me know when they find one of these...

So I take its got power?

It’s a movie!!!!! pay your $12 (US) and enjoy it.

LOL it does look like it. I think they were going for Raj’s green lantern he gave Sheldon, so he would be his “wing man”.