El Guapo de_NJMIA

agree but I’m sure you ask the average person and they’ll say - who?

“ crickets and frogs “

“Anyone over 19 doing this automatically gets slapped in da mowf tho”

In L.A thats the best your going to get. You want solitude move to the desert.

it’s a “leave me the F*ck alone” design.

I do have girly hands ;)

they are makeup artist, not miracle workers. Not their fault they can hide those man hands.

well that settles it. forget my heavily taxed 401k and near to non-existent SS. Just commit a crime in Norway and you’ll live way better than the majority of seniors in the U.S. Hell that’s better than what I have with my “career” now.

you sir are a poet. Couldn’t have said better.

Stop forcing commercials/ads on to subscribers and then we’ll talk.

I would love to use this as my primary sms/mms/call app but the reliability on the notifications is bad. Had to opt out and go back to Google Voice.

I just cancelled my cell service and ported my number to GV. With a 3GB/$30 a month data plan (most of the time on wifi) I’m saving about $50 a month and everything works the same. Hangouts for the calling/video chat and GV for texting.

he makes you want to root for him and then question your morality between right and wrong.

this is awesome!! I wish I still worked at my old job. I’m sure there would be a lot of people on edge.

that makes a little more sense. I guess if your not mass producing them you have to make the profit so how. I just find it crazy that in order to make a profit, they would have to raise it that much.

but is it justifiable at $6k. from the looks at the post people are going to the counterfeits because of the name brand. So the name is worth $6K or is the bike actually worth the price?

yeah cause they can’t afford one.