El Guapo de_NJMIA

Exactly! (I’m sure you’re being sarcastic but yeah same thing)

I’m in no way saying it’s right but when a frame alone cost $6k what do you expect? What average consumer can afford that? It leads people to do desperate things and people to exploit that desperation.

this is because 80% of our adult lives are stuck in a 3 1/2 walled cubicle looking forward to a 2 day weekend that we only get to enjoy 60% of because the rest of it we need it to recover and use to get ready for the following 5 days. And all this is so that we “can do” all the things we missed during our prime years


I think it has to be done within 15 min of posting it. If not then I’m wrong, sorry.

I don’t think its a sense of entitlement. It was a public place for the public to use (although this was the UK, who knows what backwards laws they have there). I’m sure they have signs every where and on everything that someone isn’t suppose to use/touch. Why have an outlet there in the first place? If it’s not meant

.....just wait.

Thanks, I must of missed some of those. Last one I noticed was 6/11.

Are there going to be any themes feathered that don’t involve Themer? While it’s a great app, not all the phones are able to use it. example the nexus 6 is incompatible unless you side load. Even then some of the themes don’t work.

Anything illegal (i.e. things that are actually illegal, such as copyrighted material.

Now playing

“while also acknowledging that streaming is inferior to the CD experience.”

you mean “that’s SUPER!!”

a bit off topic, my ipad 2 is still running ios 7. is it worth updating to 8.4? I remember 8.2 ruined (slow and unresponsive) my mini 1st gen to the point that I sold it. has 8.4 improved this?

Way to go Disney. You just couldn’t resist. You had to made the Storm Troopers look like Donald Duck!!

They should have brought back Janine Melnitz (Annie Potts). Then I’d be ok with this.

I’m not feeling it..... Is this an SNL skit?

oh definitely.

can’t stand those f*cks

yeah it’s called AdBlock

or you can use airdroid. sure you have install additional software but not only does it have sms reply capabilities it has tones of other useful feathers. Best of all its free.