El Guapo de_NJMIA

good, glad you agree.

How about they fix ios 8 first and then worry about your (people) Pandora connecting. Honestly My ip6 with ios 8 has been the worst phone they have come out with. even worse than the antenna issue with the ip4. It's so bad I just bought a Moto G (all I can afford right now) so I can have something dependable for work.

Look if your ok with paying ridiculous amounts for crap media. Or are ok with get jailed and fined millions of dollars for having a song played in the background of a birthday party you posted on you tube. Or getting arrested for taking a picture of you and your friends while at a movie and it happen to get a cropped

ah the movies that brought us a generation of douche bags with rice cookers and fancy paint jobs.

Exactly. obviously this is easier said than done (like I mentioned) but there are things that are not necessary . We don't need to go to a movie theater and spend $50 (for 1 to 2 people). We don't need to buy their music when its free on the radio. Books you can go to a library. The point is these things only exist

What needs to happen is a massive boycott of so called "intellectual" property. I know its easier said than done. But really its not that hard. There was a time in our history where we weren't dependent on all this crap that we are bombarded with. If we can just do that all these self righteous groups would change

Idk about you but it never feels the same. ;)

Bra-Fucking-vo. Finally somebody gets it. Can someone please send this to Hollywood?

Ive been using it for the past hour and if the full release is as good as the beta it's well worth $50!

No I got the joke. Im thinking mine went over yours.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. it's not stealing.

I would kill for those pills right now!!!

How can we expect them to fight crime if they can't even fit inside the Helicarrier?

you know this is the first I hear about Ebola in a while. Ever since I cut my cable TV I haven't heard a word about Ebola. As a matter a fact I haven't heard about ISIS, the middle east, Korea, the government's budget, stick in the @$$ conservatives, cry baby Liberals, etc, etc, etc. The word just seemed to fix it

.... or not

Now playing

NO, don't do it! Not BTTF! any other time travel movie but these. these are ment to be enjoyed for the pure joy and entertainment purpose. If you even begin to try to explain all the inaccuracies you'll just ruin it for your self.

When was the last time you sent a fax? 2000? 1995?

been meaning to see this one. can any one comment on it?

Im still pissed that SM isn't part of the current movie franchise. 2 times and Sony has done a blah job on him. The second one improved but still not that great.

who the f@ck walks/stands like this? Are they about to strike and inject venom into people? If this is your everyday posture for get exercise, go see a doctor.