El Guapo de_NJMIA

idk, maybe it can be used as an offensive tool when they are pilled up on the fence/gate/wall.

"This is one of those strange Hungarian foods to foreigners"

"We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! "

It's an omen!

Sorry to by to be able to have a stoned faced Shaggy is worth making the set.

yup, I jumped ship 2 months after signing the contract.

given google's history I'm sure it would be a LOT less than Shit-rizon and AS&S

I'll go with out a cell phone before I ever go back to AT&T or Verizon. Especially VZ. If people only knew how they are screwing over their customers.

Allcast for Android is awesome...when it works. I'm not dropping any more cash for the ios version if it has the same bugs the Android one has. If anyone has it and it actually works please let me know.

(been wanting to use this gif for a while. I actually don't have a problem with him)

why? on top of netflix there prime, popcorntime, showbox(using bluestacks), hulu (full desktop version), torrents (if your into it), Media library, VLC, etc, etc etc. I currently use an old laptop I had in storage with specs near to this and the thought of just having this connected to an HDMI than my full

social media does suck. I recently lost lost my job and the first thing people ask is do you have a linkedin. How about you take a copy of my resume like a normal human being look it over, set up an interview and get to know me. I'm sure I can tell you a lot more about my self that linkedin can. The majority of people

so the formula is dramatic pan shot- run-run-run-bam-bam-bam-boom-boom-boom-swoooosh-swoooosh-bam-bam-bam-pew-pew-pew-crash-pow-bam-pow. collect money. got it!

LOL Thank you!

We can speculate all we want about the 2 adults but all this shows is that we are truly our selves when we are young (kids). When we are kids the world hasn't corrupted us, forced us to be a certain way, hide our true selves...yet. It's a vicious cycle that we pass on to the younger generation. Unfortunately we don't

is it? is it really? shit is shit no matter who crapped it out.

yes but in the movie you used your finger print like in....Apple Pay. True Google used it first but lets be honest no one gave a shit until Apple knew how to market it and improve on it. When I used it on Google it never worked. I always ended up having to take out my card in the end. The best thing google ended up