El Guapo de_NJMIA

Why? why would you even create this? If this is a nostalgic thing buy a BB at a yard sale and play with it till your hearts content. But don't make a shitty 2005 style keyboard for a phone that already has a much better keyboard and then wonder why it sucks. It's looks like the iphone got drunk one night and had

I'll just download the movie when it gets leaked.

no whats wrong with society is todays business practices. Companies today don't value their employees. Rather than seeing them as an asset they are viewed as a number. something that is disposable, replaceable. My grand father told me stories about when he came to this country. Not knowing a word of the language, he

being from and living here, I'm not surprised Miami didn't make the cut. Thanks to our local politicians and heavy European/South American Investors in our over priced real-estate, it has become near impossible for the average person to live here. Plus there really is nothing to do here. A person can only go to the

your talking about Collision Course?

...... it's actually happened.....I don't know if it's just a coincidence that my bday passed but todays music is really really really bland.......I've notice my self listening to the radio and buying music a lot less, and using streaming services more. I've even started using my old playlists. I'm

no...apparently terminators can age makes them more human....blah blah blah...(sigh why does Hollywood continue to ruin my childhood.)

I just LMAO. +1 for you!!

Early 2014:

Hollywood, that's how.

nope, also .99

Honestly I think people sometimes confuse positive thinking with ignorance. Thats why they are always so "happy" and live such "better" lives. They don't know any better. It's only when they realize the/a truth they are started to be looked at as negative thinkers.

I think your picture answers your title....

welcome to the realization of (y)our own mortality.

it'd be a lot cooler he did..

"Furthermore it's been against Apple's rules to have keyboards in their widgets since the beginning,"

wow thats amazing, but not eating out and clipping coupons is not going to cut 100k in a year. you and your wife must make some serious salaries or must really pull in that overtime? There has to be more to it?

Lesson here is: Snitches get stitches for talking like b!tches...