El Guapo de_NJMIA


Uh... This goes in your mouth. This one goes in your ear. And this one goes in your butt.

aaaayyy... I got an offer ya can't refuse!

I think it is possible as well but for the most part it doesn't happen. From all the jobs I've had I only keep in touch with one person. we've been friends I'd go as far as best friends for 15yrs. If it wasn't for Facebook I wouldn't even remember the rest.

Not to sound cold but just walk away. From personal experience if it doesn't involve you don't get involved. Some how some way you'll just be screwed. I used to be the type of person that tried to help and lend a hand or what ever but just ended up taking the hit for others most times with no appreciation. A friend

WOW........that looks like shit! I almost feel like I'm looking at my old Nokia.

like I said "still better than any other country on earth". Apples or Grapefruit they are both fruit just like america and china are both countries. whether they are 1st, 2nd or 3rd world countries people still live in them an you have a choice to live here. So in the words of a redneck friend of mine "If you dont

I dont know if this already exist but I would like to see a pre-end of krypton movie. basically ZOD vs the house of EL and so on. From what this preview shows it could be really good.

I sure will. why don't you go down to south america or the middle east or even south east Asia and tell me we are the worst. :)

still better than any other country on earth.

woooohhhh... total mind fuck man.....

this is actually good. anything more than half a can is too much.

Point 1: if other consuls go this route not only will used games go bye bye but rental services such as gamefly.

Roads? where we're going we dont need roads...

......hallelujah it's raining men

it's raining me....

What do you mean by "What do you mean by "people of color""?

what do you mean by "what do you mean by"people of color""

or maybe they are all gay? there is a lot of pink, purple, leg crossing with their hands nicely folded on their laps in the pic. not trying to sound stereotypical but maybe the writers and cartoonist were closeted homosexuals? Almost all cartoons have some kind of homosexuality hidden in them.