El Guapo de_NJMIA

im more intrested in his desk. i like the GPK desk top

why would you want to pay? this is why I love google. I get all these awesome services for FREE and all they do is sell my stupid searches (anonymously). Anybody else would charge you and still sell your info.

$#WQ% i just got spotify yesterday.

no way the iphone 5 is better than my nexus 4.

who is stupid enough to buy a stolen phone? Apple, and the carriers would just block the phone from service. Isn't this common knowledge? even worse now that the major carriers are informing each other on the status of the phone in the others network.

i dont like it. simple and to the point.

a sprint iphone 5 is no deal at all. Sprint has the worst reception ever. my old metro PCS had better reception. the iphone never had more than one bar of 3G

true :-/

so they made it look like the Roku version?

its sad that we live in a world where we treat criminals better that our children and elderly in terms of health care and longevity.

very simple and clean. I have 2 phones due to work so I try to keep my personal one simple but different from stock.

is it me or does the math not make sense?

such a simple, dumb idea. And what really pisses me off is that i didn't come up with it first :-/

thanks, worth a shot

i wish it was that easy, when i reboot the battery is still full and lasts

was there a fix or did they have to replace the phone?

i love my N4. but on a side note has anyone else had issues with their N4? Mine keeps freezing on the black screen. the indicator light stays on but nothing works. no calls or notifications come through. i have to do a reboot in order to get it working again. it has happened 3 times in a mater of a 2 weeks(more or


and its now gone from the App store :-/

wow I must be the only one who's had a negative experience with this. The glue doesn't hold very long. i have to by my own backing and replace it.