El Guapo de_NJMIA

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but I see a lot of discounted stuff, nothing free.

This all seems like its going to kill your battery life. Sometimes more isn't better.

Now playing

If CGI can do this for Arnold then I don't see any challenges for them using Fisher and Hamill.

whats with all the hate on the beats? Is it the price or the douches that promote them? I can see it from that end but in terms of quality, I have a pair of solo HDs and they are great.

sir! I find you remark uncivilized and with out merit. I bid you a good day!

you know whats worse than an Apple fanboy? someone who cries every time the word apple is mentioned.

so lie and pretend to be someone your not? yeah theres no way this can back fire.

the weather app got installed on my ipad mini after jailbreak. swiped the screen and there it was next to cydia. nice little treat even though i don't use it

playing devils advocate here: He did cameo in Hulk at the end credits? So I guess technically the Iron Man character was in 5 films. your welcome DeLos2

same here. sold my 4s and got a GS3. Love the phone, and if i ever get the iOS itch i still have my ipad.


agreed. feels lighter to me but since I only use it once in while to kill time. its not bad.

not to bad. doesn't feel as sturdy as the original but for once in a while use its not bad.

cheaper and less time consuming :)

hahaha. ;)

curious? how would they go about enforcing this law if the creator of the account is in another state? This law makes no sense.

I loved all my iPhones even when i was forced to use edge on t mobile. but to little to late Apple. I am loving my SGS3. Next years iPhone model better be something amazing. they better rip off android in a major way cause i cant see my self going back.

Sorry am I missing something? what is the 4th gen ipad? there is ipad, ipad2, new ipad and ipad mini. I also see it on the site for the mini adapter.

I wish our judges (USA) were as smart as the UK's. I have both an iPad and Galaxy tab. I can't in no way see how they are similar except that they are both tablets.

unlocking and jail breaking are 2 different things. just with the iPhone type and ios you can know from the JB community if it can be base band unlocked. yes you need to jb first before you can unlock but that's not what hes asking. IF he would have asked "Can you JAILBREAK a iPhone 3gs running ios 6? What about a