El Guapo de_NJMIA

the tool is only for jail breaking not unlocking. his questions are valid. He should just go to the dev team site.

FYI the link takes you to app

smh.. note the key words "could have".

Wow i am moments away from switching to a new GS3 from ip4s. This could have single handedly kept me from doing so. :(

i love my TB2 bag. a buddy of mine told me about the company and i havent looked back.


In my opinion you and Leslie are awesome. Keep up the great work. Haters gonna hate!!

actually I've used this method before. Just take ice, sports drink (or juice) and use a blender. Or if you have the time just freeze the drink the night prior and blend. But I know what your saying the first thing that comes to mind in regards to a slushie is 711.

is it bad that all I wanna do is go all Godzilla on it?

Not trying to be a....

if it wasn't for Giz we wouldn't have know about it. what would would have been if no one knew about it?

the way your talking about (depending on your carrier and country) it could cost you an extra $20 a month.

Nice, now we need to come up with a way to use airplay on a non 2011 Macbook Pro.

I believe we are... good day to you Sir.

cool tnks

AirCassette for ios is free not .99

I don't think that should be a factor in deciding what is the best tablet for your needs. I've had both types an for me the iPad is always the winner. Not cause it's apple but because it does what I need it to do, how to do it and it's reliability. Then you have the other hand where my brother likes his galaxy tab 2

umm....yeah. If its being offered to me why not. (depending on your age) your going to tell me you've never copied a friend's tape/CD or recorded songs from the radio?? Sometimes content isn't available and that's the only way to get it. if this is really about artists wanting credit for their work they should be

Please explain? whats your take or are you just trolling?