El Guapo de_NJMIA

Don't be too scared of this technological terror they have constructed. The ability to destroy a torrent site is insignificant next to the potential of the People.

It's not pirating. It's sharing. I didn't forcibly take anything from anyone. It was made available by the individual(s) who purchased it.

All I know is that I have the same battery life as before with my MB 2008 and.... after installing ML my optical drive is working again :)


The only place I care to see it in is my hand..

sorry, may be a typo but • OS: Ubuntu? that would be bad ass and well worth the $80

sure have, used it all the time until it kept crashing half way through my movies (even with updates).

Well, looks who's ATV just became some what relevant again. Time to dust off that bad boy.

um.. ok. regardless of how asinine your remark is I value it and your right to say it pendejo :)

What bothers me more than anything is why is it still being called the iphone 5? Unless they come up with something creative its likely to be called iPhone 6 or new iPhone like the "new iPad".

Just did it and it works fine. keep trying. might be a glitch.

lately its been local but I've noticed it's become more cross country. ;)

Thank you! Just what I needed this morning :)

I call BS. I've been using AirParrot for a while now and it works fine so there is no reason they couldn't have made it work with the older macs. They are basically the same. Now I have to give in, sell my mac and shell out some extra dough to get a new one. Because I just will... errrrrr..

Cool, so they taught the robot how to walk like Gumby....

the only guarantee you'll have in life is death and taxes!

I try to keep it as simple as possible. iPad 2, iPhone 4s (jailbroken for PDAnet), portable SSD, charging cables, small first aid kit and if I reeeeeally need to that day my work's crapberry. That thing is a brick.

done! took 7 min (while at work excuse the crudness of it) and did it so it fits with my otter box.