Step 1: huff paint thinner
Step 1: huff paint thinner
Economies of scale.
The majority of the market has no idea what is and isn't proprietary. THey just want something that works like they're told it will.
Need it? Of course not. A high resolution UI would be fantastic though.
How iOS handles the double resolution pretty much precludes this from showing up on a desktop at this time. The OS is developed to treat the monitor differently than Windows or OSX would. UI Elements on a 9.7" screen in windows would be unusable.
Oh, I grasp it just fine. I just don't think Anonymous' version of "justice" is better than actual, due process, justice.
Anon's brand of "justice" isn't justice. It's wild west vigilantism, and 99% of the time it's no better than the corruption they claim to be fighting against.
And you think that Anon is somehow immune to the whole "power corrupts" situation? heh
No coordination or leadership? Take the blinders off.
Please, Anonymous' actions have nil to do with data security, beyond exploiting it do damage businesses and entities that do things that aren't in line with the Anonymous world view.
What a bullshit cop out. Of course I see the bigger picture, but I also know that there are ways of going about it which don't make it difficult to treat them as anything more than children simply vandalizing things because they can.
Yeah, but it's a group of children playing judge, jury, and executioner. The internet mob mentality is not going to end well for anyone with this group leading the charge.
How is this vandalism still supported and celebrated?
It's tied to a sim because it's tied to the user's phone number on the iPhone (you can attach it to email for iPads). But an email is not necessary to set it up on an iPhone, just a phone number.
Don't get all defensive, you're the one that went the "vatican" route. You wanted a particular reaction, stop pretending like it was unexpected.
Yes, I should sell all my Apple products and make a principled stand against companies that make great products. How dare they.
Ignorance truly is bliss I guess. I'd love to go into how wrong you are, but you'd choose to ignore it no matter what anyone said, because you're too afraid that this is it, and you need a big, magic, selfish, douche in the sky to give your life meaning.
That's why it's measured in generations and not just years.
This is about the 3G patents that Samsung tried to use to sue Apple. From what I gather, with limited legal knowledge, they are patents that are necessary for a phone to function on the cellular networks around the world, as such, Samsung is not allowed to use them as leverage in EU courts.
Must just be because Apple paid off the entire EU legal system, cause Samsung is the good guy...right?