
But they can only be sized proportionally, so you can't do any real snapping. You can put two apps in portrait mode while holding your iPad at landscape and get close, but it's still kludgy. A great technical tweak, but not much utility, IMO.

strictly in the context of "they didn't get hit by this jet" yeah, I guess so. But the one town over comparison is simply misguided, because they were never in danger to begin with. It's not about positive thinking, within the scope of the author's statement, it's simply about perspective, to extrapolate it to a

It's all relative. A jet crashed through their homes, they are lucky within that context.

Well, they are alive. Considering that a jet crashed practically in their living rooms, I'd say that's pretty damn lucky.

They're removing the ability to load Android apps altogether, thereby separating themselves from the "cesspool" that is the Android ecosystem as a whole, as they view it.

Fed up with the lack of app support? As if Android's tablet offering is any better.

Piracy is illegal. RIM isn't saying so, the law is. If they want to lock down their platform to avoid being associated with a community of users who are happily engaging in piracy then they can do that, and they should be encouraged to. You paid for the hardware, why not pay for the software?

Even in Apple's closed system there are ways to load alpha and beta test apps. That's kind of a weak argument for sideloading. Secondly, any developer worth a crap knows that it's more cost effective and profitable to distribute through a central marketplace than on their own.

In those very rare cases, how about you wait until you get to work or home before messing around with shit? Is it the end of the world if you can't get your precious podcast going while you're on the highway? Look, if you're going to mess with shit while driving, at least have the courtesy to take 2 minutes and pull

The safety of the other people on the road trumps your desire to listen to a podcast during rush hour.

If it's so important to control your stereo with your phone, spend a bit of money and get remote or steering wheel controls. If it's your GPS, mount it on your dash, and don't do anything but listen to it and check the map occasionally when you're driving. Certainly don't try to input addresses or anything while

There's probably a pretty good chance that the guy who will text at a long light will do it while driving too. Is there really anything so important it can't wait until you're no longer behind the wheel? I don't think so. Changing your music is one thing, texting, while at a light or driving, is another.

Probably in different ways.

Am I the only person that's tired of hearing about this clown? Send him to jail just so that we can be done with his nonsense.

I'd like to see proof to back up your claim. Or at least, qualification of what you consider "technologically superior".

"Android is technologically superior in every way to iOS"

It could still have gorilla glass. Gorilla glass isn't indestructible.

Yeah, silly me, thinking people should actually do social things socially, with real, live interaction. I'm clearly just too stupid to understand the value of isolation and the benefits social interaction happening entirely electronically.

And you can enjoy your movies alone, the rest of us will have friends join us.

You may not care enough about it to change your mind on a device choice, but there absolutely is a difference.