
Not really. Unless you're in a junior high school gossip circle. Oh, this is Gizmodo, so...carry on.

I don't know if it's being said much around here (to be honest, I don't giz much anymore, there are numerous, higher quality and less tabloid-like, tech blogs out there that have recently stolen my attention.) But it's the "Jesus phone" equivalent around other techy sites.

Sure, but I never said otherwise. Also, I'm not sure why that's relevant. Just by saying "Android fans say XX" doesn't mean I imply that "iPhone fans are exactly the opposite".

My englishes are fine, thanks you very much

Did you come out in defense of any other product they did this same "sky is falling" thing for?

Shh. You can't say "Galaxy Nexus" and "problem" in the same sentence. According to Android fans, there is no problem with the Nexus, it is the perfect phone, in every way. These aren't the droids you're looking for. There are no problems here. The only "problem" is that you've become entrenched in how other phones do

Since when is it about "NEED" on a smartphone?

You don't know much about ergonomics, apparently. They shouldn't be so high that you are craning your neck to view them, but they should actually be higher, at least to even eye level, so you're looking straight ahead, and it's best when your hands then rest comfortably down, so your keyboard really should be at least

Why do android fanboys always fall back on the "Apple didn't invent it" garbage? I sure didn't say they did, haven't really seen anyone else claim that before Android fans start drooling at the mouth with "apple did it first, it's ok for google too" nonsense.

There is little about Android I've ever found as "great"; plenty I've found "good" both in and outside of the scope of how "good" and "great" relate to that quote.

Would people please use that "good artists copy, great artists steal." comment in context, instead of using it as some sort of "Jobs stole everything, everyone should steal from him" flamebait comment.

If I understand correctly, these aren't items in the flow of a newsfeed though. These are actual ads, in the "advertisements" section of the page. That's an implication of an outright endorsement. If this was just about items within the newsfeed, then fine, I see your point, but that's not the case (by my

The patent has specific language about what hardware/software/usages qualify as infringement. More tech blogs should really educate their readers on how this shit actually works instead of just posting tabloid quality garbage and watching the commenters trip over each other trying to defend their platform of choice

It's supposed to be "real". Nolan's whole idea was that it would be tied to the real world in more ways than not. I don't see how that's actually a problem.

There weren't any real contradictions. The ban is true, it goes into effect in April. It "could" stop HTC from selling them, if they don't either stop on their own before that date, or program a change. It does affect those phones, and some are still being sold, though no longer marketed heavily. HTC can, and likely

probably just has to do with when the case was originally filed.

Yeah, you're right. They should just sit back and let everyone else copy them instead of coming up with their own shit.

Right, and who, besides lawyers and people who want to sound smart on the internet, really reads TOS? TOS or not, it's still not the same. Also, it could be argued that the TOS language is necessary for Facebook to even post in your newsfeed that you "liked" something. It's still, absolutely, not the same as an

I'm a "hater" of the gross control carriers have over consumer choice in the U.S. No, the two apps aren't an inconvenience, but that's not the point, they are two non-google apps on a supposed "pure google" device. It's the principle.

Ah, apologists are everywhere. It is supposed to be a "pure google" device. Are those two apps google apps? No, they are Verizon apps, carrier bloatware. The quantity or quality is irrelevant. Make them available as optional downloads. Part of the appeal of what Google was doing with the Nexus line was removing the