
liking something and being used to sell something are not one in the same. I don't think it was ever really seen as "cool" when it was done without your prior consent. And, no, just "liking" something isn't consent enough.

Happy would be if google didn't bend over and let Verizon install their bloatware to begin with, and keep their grubby carrier hands off a "pure google" device.

The grainy screen is a result of the crappy pentile display.


because those people represented those qualities in their respective lives/spheres of influence. Making an association like that does not mean Apple considered themselves or their work as equal to Ghandi.

The comparison itself doesn't mean that they equate themselves to Ghandi.

Like them or not, Apple actually did do a lot to improve the lives of many through technology as well. At the time of the Think Different ads, Apple was making huge impacts by offering programs to educational institutions to provide technology to schools that otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford it. Yes, their

Oh, this should be good...please, let me know what about the ad was so offensive and insulting?

Sarcasm is lost on this one...

of course it looks like crap. Why should Apple actually help Samsung design things? Anymore than they already have by giving Samsung something to copy, anyway.

"What is the reason for being at a store that sells the same shit as another one in the same city? Or stuff you can buy online? I just don't get it. "

Ok, then what is it you consider "insane" about people supporting a corporation that makes products that they love? It's not really any different than people lining up for concert tickets or football games.

How does that matter?

In the last 10 years, how many people have been hurt or killed during black friday?

By your logic we shouldn't have any brick and mortar stores at all.

"If the ruling stands, then Motorola can go after every cellphone maker that uses their technology, from HTC to Nokia. And if they don't go after them, then expect Apple to ask a court to inquire into "why not?" "

Seriously? No one is getting maced here, over anything. I'd say that makes it a better situation by default.

It's arguably more reasonable than macing eachother for a $2 toaster...

haters gonna hate

It's not that he's evil, he just keeps saying some really stupid stuff that will, likely, come back to be a bit damaging when all of these pseudo promises are left unfulfilled.