
So, what was it that the Android fanboys were saying about the 4S specs being so far behind the just released S2? Even with a significantly lower clock speed, the 4S is outperforming the S2. Maybe people will start to actually pay attention to the concept of tuning your hardware and software together for a great

It's not worse than facebook...not much is...but Facebook has already become so entrenched. It's going to take a LOT to compete with them, just because they ran alone in the social network race for so long.

But...that is only that group's "truth" why...Oh nevermind.

I think the fact that you fell for Samsung's "2001" defense says enough.

They've charged the same price for every iPhone (with the exception of the original).

That's a design dispute, quite a bit different.

Well, for starters, this does patterns, revolights does just a single timed light section.

The iPhone 4S pretty much has all of those specs (a few pixels short on resolution, and no silly NFC) at a lot more reasonable form factor.

4.65"? Jesus, I don't need a kindle in my pocket. Is screen size the new determining factor for the "best" phone? We're on our way back to cumbersome, need-a-holster-or-fanny-pack-to-carry devices.

You're partly confusing trademark and copyright. You can trademark common terms, but the trademark only applies to specific uses; uses that have to be maintained, and defended.

Not a major spec upgrade? Are you even paying attention?

And pretty much everyone has agreed that Apple owns the ID of nearly everything they make, and the software/hardware optimization that goes on within Apple devices is second to none for increasing the efficiency and performance of Apple's devices. Honestly, I don't see any Android phones truly competing head to head

It's not an issue of ownership. This is a trademark dispute. In order for them to maintain the rights to their trademark, by law, they have to defend it. They never claimed to have invented a timeline, it's an issue of brand recognition (facebook took over the facebook page url to promote their own

Well, shorten it to "Apple did what other manufacturers did months ago, but better."

He never said selfish. But, yes, it does make the author, and you, sound spoiled and entitled. Apple did nothing to make you expect anything other than what they delivered.

I meant, specifically, "the ARMv7 processor in the S2". Which would have, rightly, been better addressed as the Exynos, but I can never remember that tongue twister of a name, and I didn't care enough to look it up. There have already been performance tests between the S2's performance and the A5 in the iPad 2. I

Specs on paper, in the mobile world, are getting kind of useless. Performance tests have shown the A5 in the iPad outperforms the SII in pretty much every way. The tight software/hardware optimization makes the specs a selling point only to those trying to say "BUT OMG THE SII IS SO MUCH BETTER! SEE, .2 MHZ MORE CPU"

I have big hands, and the iPhone is the best form factor for one handed use. I've tried using the larger screen phones, and while it's nice to have the extra space, one handed use trumps hugeness of screen.

Nearly everywhere I go has wifi of at least those LTE speeds. Without data caps and the charges that go along with them. The few places I go without wifi, I'm not in a big enough hurry to worry about downloading things. Sometimes, taking a break from the internet is a good thing.

Yeah, that would be amazing...except that there is 4G in all of about 15% of the country. Kind of useless for most people.