
The same could be said about motocross riders, BMX riders, parkour runners etc.

Well, we can definitely agree on that last line.

So, for the sake of your argument, let's assume the iPhone ripped off the LG Prada (Apple are miracle workers, able to design and pump out the iPhone between the first Prada leaks and the iPhone announcement only a few short months later, that should be impressive in and of itself), You're now using a copy of a copy.

You keep saying I said Apple "invented" it. They didn't, in fact, right there, in my last post, I said they didn't. They created one that people actually wanted to use, through a combination of good hardware and software. I've never even seen an LG Prada anywhere but the internet, have you?

I think you confused iOS and Android.

There's a pretty big difference between the touchscreen that Apple brought forth and the stylus based inputs that existed prior to the iPhone. No, Apple didn't invent the touchscreen. But they created a version of it that was vastly better than anything that existed before. If the existing touchscreens were

It's about time. These stupid photo filters have been way too annoying. The sooner they're gone, the better.

hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but the reason you can only think of 2 are because those are the 2 most common interactions readily available in today's technology (arrows on desktops, swiping on the iPhone) To say that there aren't any other options is, as mentioned in the article, lazy.

Well, Android copied them from somewhere else first, so I guess you'd have to follow the chain back and see who started it, and if they applied for a patent.

Do you really reserve words like "cringe" for only the most heinous of things? What a sad little life to lead where everything is so polarized. I cringe at the thought of your friends trying to explain a story to you, and they happen to use a strong adjective and have to spend the next 5 minutes listening to how that

Well, by all means then, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!


WebOS will continue going. Just not on HP hardware. Kneejerk post much?

"As some have pointed out, it does seem unusual that the FBI would be broadcasting their SSID, but mistakes like this sometimes happen." No, mistakes *like this* never happen. Oh Giz, how far you have fallen.

Chrome has a higher resource/memory footprint for me on a daily basis.

I tried lastpass, the way it integrated just frustrated me more than anything. It wasn't native, it lived on top of the websites, resulting in an annoying experience more often than useful. I imagine I could have spent a bunch of time tweaking settings and just getting used to it, because the utility of it was good,

Chrome's developer tools can't hold a candle to Firebug.


Yeah, but that's Opera...

For now they don't. When the iPhone starts raping their LTE network you can bet they'll be wanting to capitalize on that usage, and charge extra for it.