
sounds like maybe you need to get off your XBox and out of your mom's basement a bit more often.

If government tries to stop citizens from planning violent acts through social media it's a horrible silencing of free speech and a violation of human rights. If the government wants to publish the same information it's been publishing for years in newspapers, via social media, then it's a horrible privacy violation

Chances are someone else got it from somewhere else to begin's your phone number, not your dna sequence.

Just that, as she was coming down the stairs, he kept leaning further and further towards the bike. It's not like she abruptly turned towards him at the end, she kept going down, he kept leaning towards her.

I'm pretty sure that was the cameraman's fault

Some great foot fitness training here:

If you run correctly your bones shouldn't take all that force to begin with, super-padded shoes have cause many people to just run lazily. Also, if you train correctly, the strengthening of your legs and tendons will result in far more benefits than drawbacks, including further strengthening your back and improving

They've stolen personal information before, why is now any different? They're not some sort of morally upstanding human rights organization. They're a bunch of kids who want to make a fuss.

"Group Activism" More like a childish mob mentality. There is little that Anonymous does that doesn't amount to anything more than digital vandalism. The childish mentality that disrupting a company's legal day to day business by anonymously perpetrating illegal acts, is somehow doing something 'good' is useless, and

Yes, English not being their first language is so horrendously disgusting. How dare they.

The unflush glass on the front is just ugly, and looks like it was just slapped on in an after thought. I still think the iPhone 4 is by far the best visual design yet. Apple really has to step up the game to improve there. They may take a step back though, they did it with the 3G/3GS. The original iphone was a far

It does have the ability to start a new local project, but I don't know if you can import files to it. It also has FTP and Dropbox support. I think the whole idea of a globally accessible local filesystem will go away on mobile devices, and you'll have file systems in place for the apps that need them. I can

You watch too many mid nineties glorified tech movies.

Releasing the personal information of innocent people and attacking anyone they can, just because they can, is not looking out for "we the people" it's looking out for themselves, and their entertainment. It is this behavior that makes them children.

Politicians can't keep their underwear off Twitter, and you actually think governments can, and have, successfully manipulated every major conflict in history?

It's not just about pure cash though. Time is money, and a huge part of AT&Ts problem is that it can almost take an act of God to get new towers installed some places, and it takes time to go through that whole process (years in some areas, just to get approval to build one). It's faster, and therefore cheaper, for

You should probably learn the difference between plywood and particle board before you start suggesting corrections. The article is correct. That is particle board.

To think that T-Mobile wouldn't eventually do away with the unlimited plans, like every other carrier has, when their data network had more traffic is a bit naive. Don't get me wrong, I had T-Mobile for nearly a decade, and I loved their service. If their hardware selection hadn't sucked so bad I would probably still

Can we post comments supporting the sell off?

Am I the only one that actually prefers the new way? It's faster and less annoying, to me. With the front page constantly switching back to "Top News" view instead of keeping the chronological order I prefer, going back and forth on pages is annoying and ads extra clicks.