
why the hell does the product name link to a stupid tag page on gizmodo?

The tethering can be turned off or on as needed, on a month by month basis. Not as ideal as actual prepaid options, but at least it's better than being tied into 2 years of it

On a completely unrelated note, except for the fact that I started reading this on my iPad, why is Gawker's new tablet style design not available on tablets?

I think a lot of the commenters are missing the fact that it's Gizmodo/Casey Chan saying "Most Tourists Take Pictures From the Same Spot", not the artist. It's not "rigged" because the artist wasn't trying to say what Gizmodo is saying. She just wanted to create the images. The artist may have alluded to that, and a

Do you understand the concept of "Fair use"?

It's actually, more likely, that it's because of the billing system. The AT&T Navigator app is billed through your monthly cellular account, that same system wouldn't transfer directly over from AT&T and Verizon. There are a ton of apps that work just fine without modifications, ones that use cellular data and GPS, so

@nandreetta: You will never perceive a 1080p resolution on a 4" screen any better than you perceive 720p, or, arguably, even 420p. Packing that many pixels in that small of a screen is fairly pointless.

What about the extra energy and materials required to put a significant space between floors to accommodate your legs? Most floors don't have a 2ft+ space between them. The energy and materials required to create that extra space probably more than cancels out the energy saved by cutting holes in your floor. Will all

@jgoette: I actually like the simplicity of chrome's UI. I just still use FF for all the other great features. I like the direction this is going.

@Rod MacLeod: You're wanting all of this for free though. That's where the problem lies. Apple spends time developing and improving these devices. Your one time $200 payment isn't sufficient to pay them back for 3 years of upgrades.

@MarcusMaximus: Apple has some pretty high expectations when it comes to UI/UX performance. Sure, it can be done, my 2G iphone had video wallpapers 2 years ago. But it can't be done and still live up to Apple's stricter standards. On top of that, they have to optimize it for each version of the device, so that is time

@MarcusMaximus: Well, the G1 is nearly 2 years old. And that's exactly the problem, the older hardware isn't sufficient for the newer software.

@ichiban1081: My 2G iPhone ran animated backgrounds more than 2 years ago. Sure, it can do it. But that doesn't mean it lives up to Apples QA standards. Which are likely quite a bit more stringent than yours. Not because they're better than you or anything, just that they have pretty strict policies in place with

@MarcusMaximus: But two year old Android devices won't be getting Froyo. That's more the point. Everyone expects the 3G to get all the features even though it's 2 years old. Sure, it could probably handle it alright, but there no reason apple should spend resources optimizing the 3G version of the OS to make it live

@Brannigans_Law: This is a short to sell a distribution company on a larger idea. To get money to produce a feature length film. It's not a trailer. It's going to be a bit shallow and missing some deeper development, because it's supposed to be more indicative of a look/feel and very basic plot outline, rather than an